23 July 2008

The begining

Let me first introduce myself to those who do not know me:

My name is Ali, I'm a 28 years old man who woke up one day looked in the mirror and wondered "what went wrong?"
My story is not one-of-a-kind, many people have been where I was and many managed to move forward, I will do the same one day.

I have been -and for about 6 years- (between 1998-2004 college years) very careless about what I eat and how much exercise I get, I've seen more and more fat accumulating in my body but barely cared to take action to put a stop to it. It was about 3 years ago when I first realized how bad of a shape I am in, that was when I looked at my graduation pictures and saw what I ended up as.

It is at that time that marked the real beginning of this journey, I started dieting foolishly, I starved myself at times and ate nothing but plain salads at another, I dropped from 104 kg to 90 kg and maintained that weight for a good while, I managed to drop my weight to 82 kg before the 13 June 2006, I remained at that weight but went up to 88 kg by 21st of Feb, 2008. That date marked my second and more educated journey; This journey.

I have managed through good/healthy dieting to drop to 76 kg by 17 of July, and on 23rd July I've decided to start this blog.

I am educating myself on proper nutrition, proper exercising and I am adopting healthy habits that will support my new healthy approach to changing my body composition.

I have hesitated before deciding to publish such blog, mainly because of the nature of the Internet where people (ab)use the power of "anonymous posting" to leave hateful, discouraging or even sometimes plainly tasteless comments with no apparent reason but I then realized that those who do so are their own worst enemies.

This blog was started not to brag or whine or make this look like an epic struggle, its merely a journal, a diary, a log book -mind you- to keep me motivated and make my challenge bigger by announcing it, what I hope to achieve is well within my abilities and I know I can reach it eventually, I just want this to be a motivation for myself and all who wishes to follow my journey and maybe even advise or leave a comment that my affect or inspire me along the way.

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