Last night's work out was good, Full body weight training was completed successfully.
I have dug up a picture of me back in 2005 when I was 104kg, I'll post it today as a reminder to myself of what I was like back then.

This was taken in At Maracus Beach, Trinidad in the Caribbean,
and yes the snake is live and real!
(Click the image for a larger view)
I'll try to post pictures in the future, until then stay strong and shed hard!
and yes the snake is live and real!
(Click the image for a larger view)
I'll try to post pictures in the future, until then stay strong and shed hard!
Morale: 6
We are sooooo looking forward that future picture :)
By telling us what you do everyday you are really pushing me to do little exercises as a beginning!
By the way, do you think it's better to exercises before eating anything, as the first thing to do in the morning??
East^Rose, thank you for your comment. I have as a matter of fact I've posted a picture I took today in preparation for the "John Stone August Challenge" (I'll write about that in tomorrow's post).
Doing cardio exercise early in the morning before eating anything is many people refer to as "Fasted Cardio" I do that on weekends. It is good as long as it doesn't exceed 30 minutes, as you'll be quite sure that what you burn in that exercise is indeed fat, Here is what Tom Venuto has to say about it:
1. After an overnight 8-12 hour fast, your body's stores of glycogen are depleted and you
burn more fat when glycogen is low.
2. Eating causes a release of insulin. Insulin interferes with the mobilization of body fat.
Less insulin is present in the morning; so more body fat is burned when cardio is done in
the morning.
3. There is less carbohydrate (glucose) in the bloodstream when you wake up after an overnight fast. With less glucose available, you burn more fat.
4. If you eat immediately before a workout, you have to burn off what you just ate first before tapping into stored body fat (and insulin is elevated after a meal.)
5. When you do cardio in the morning, your metabolism stays elevated for a period of
time after the workout is over. If you do cardio in the evening, you burn calories during the session, but you fail to take advantage of the "afterburn" effect because your
metabolic rate drops dramatically as soon as you go to sleep.
6. Morning cardio gives you a feeling of accomplishment and makes you feel great all day
by releasing mood-enhancing endorphins.
7. Morning cardio "energizes" you and "wakes you up."
8. Morning cardio may help regulate your appetite for the rest of the day.
9. Your body’s circadian rhythm adjusts to your morning routine, making it easier to wake up at the same time every day.
10. You’ll be less likely to "blow off" your workout when it’s out of the way early (like when you’re exhausted after work or when friends ask you to join them at the pub for happy hour).
11. You can always "make time" for exercise by setting your alarm earlier in the morning.
(from Burn the fat. feed the muscle by Tom Venuto)
I hope this helps :)
Best Wishes and Be Strong! from the true CaribbeInn Owner.
Thank You Sooooooooo much:)
got to work out then, i just woke up :)
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