04 August 2008

Whats for breakfast?

Last night's workout wasn't bad, I did my cardio and full body weight training but I did however overwork my triceps a bit, nothing serious though. I've stuck to my 5 meals and avoided any snacks and managed to drink enough water for the day, for some reason though I couldn't get a peaceful sleep, I kept waking up multiple times during the night which resulted in me waking up this morning with less energy...

Today I'll talk about Kellogg's® Special K® Low Carb Lifestyle Protein Plus cereal which I use in my breakfast.

I really li
ke how it tastes, the best thing about it is low sugar content and generally low carb to protein ratio, I usually grab 2-3 of those when I shop at Sultan Center and mix it with protein shake. It is basically one of the best cereals I would use on my low carb diet, I would use it as a meal at work when I run out of other options or when I know that I didn't prepare 2 meals for (10:00AM and 01:00 PM) I'd use it to fill the gap until I come back home and get my 4th meal for the day. The Nutrition facts label to right is the one you'd find on the box when you purchase it, it should give you an indicator of how much calories you'd get per serving .

Thats all for today, untill tomorrow's post remember, Stay strong & shed hard!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now i use the same cereal you use :) i just think that i should put protein shake to it because i really don't feel that my appetite is good as it was when i started the diet 6 weeks ago. i need to create more ways cooking the same food.